Thursday, December 31, 2009


Greetings Earthlings , Its Alex , Its a new year , 2010 , Today marks a new start, cause I'm gonna study study study , not gonna play so much from today onwards, But, after knowing some drastic changes that is gonna happen next monday, totally ruin my mood to study and concentrate, Its not what i expected, Gom told me that its Management who ruin my mood cause they put some teacher as my co-form teacher, Well, Fuck Management then. Alright, Shall stop rantings bout these unhappy things, Since its 01/01/10, Shall post by yesterday, Woke up, realising I've slept like a log, Mum tried to wake me up but in vain , Ha ! , was tired thats all . :) .
Used the computer, blahblahblah , went out to buy lunch , was just too tired yesterday . Didnt went to countdown with Kenneth or Lucas. PS ! Alright, thats basically bout yesterday . Shall post the next time when I feel like it .

Ok Everybody , I'm outta here , stay safe out there .

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Hi All,

Same thing happened, I'm still waiting and waiting, but she never came. Fuck.

Bye All :)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wake up at 8.23am, the first thing I did was turning on the computer, I've been waking up alot because of some absurd reason (-.-) . Kenneth called, Talked to him using an indian accent, cause he started it first. Not trying to be racist here. Decided not to go, Ain't well prepared today. Will be going out with him tomorrow. Lunch, Youtube, blahblahblah~ . Craps&craps.
Nothing much to post. School gonna reopen, Thats good, at least there is something to do . Instead of just staying at home and waste time.

K I'm out.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Nothing much happen today, wake up around 7am, used the computer, didnt know what to do,
Totally clueless for the first time. Little cousin came, blahblahblah, Restless day.

Felt the same thing twice today. Felt that feeling in my heart , as if something was about to popped out from my chest.

For once, I agree with what Xiaoyi says, guys are jerks, not that i'm siding with girls, But, there is this personality that boys have, which is, we are never satisfied with one, One is never enough, two is always the best, sooner or later, it will become two is never enough, three is always the best. And so on and so forth. That is the only thing i hate being a male, why does this shit personality exist in us ?!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Hey all, Back from Renee chalet, i know, its a few days ago, but whatever.

Wake up around 10am, used to computer, have lunch blahblahblah, prepared to go out because i'm meeting XiaoYi and Jermaine at 2pm, Hopped bus 25 to AMK hub, Mrt-ed to sembawang, Jermaine ate Mcd as lunch , meet kenneth there, went to his house, put down our stuff and went to northpoint. Kenneth was abit skeptical over buying his specs because he doesn't want us to be laughing at him, in the end, we still went in the shop with him. Went to popular, those 2 girls was choosing files for over half an hour, not bad arh. went back to kenneth's home, slack around, Jermaine used computer, the rest was watching tv until 8pm, went out to buy other food for dinner as Kenneth's grandma have cooked rice for us, back to kenneth home around 9plus, rice with chicken wings and drumsticks, sounds plain but its okay with me. Played cards, until midnight. Went to Kitchen, Looked out the window, thinking of some stuff that can land me in Depression. Soon, Kenneth joined in and we are talking until 1am, Keith wanted to smoke but he cant go out. so, we went out, but we didnt really help him to buy cigarettes, went to talk and back home around 2+, went back to the window, had a heart-to-heart talk with Kenneth. That guy, was talking bout how useless he is, blahblahblah, Come on, be an optimist. Talk till 4am, was lying on the floor, listening to some sad songs, kenneth fell asleep after 5 mins, -.- . i was like trying to go to sleep as well, but cant. slowly, i did fell asleep.

When i woke up, i knew that my alarm have sounded, but i'm still sleeping. Had a long chat with Kenneth's grandma, didnt know that their family have so much things happen, Kenneth wake up around 11+, skipped lunch and wasting time. around 2 plus, the girls went to bath, then its was my turn. Persuaded Kenneth to go to Renee's chalet, And he gave in, he went to bath, I slept for a little while. En route to Renee's chalet, Took cab, reach there around evening time, Went in to the wrong chalet at first, when we found the right one, We saw a bunch of elderly outside, a lil' skeptical at first , but we still went in and put our stuff and went out. Went to meet Eddie, bring them in, wow, they bought carlsberg earlier than expected, He barbequed the food and stuff, ate some food, sat around, talked bout some funny stuff, Was getting sleepy around 8pm, Lack of sleep in the morning i think, Went to E-hub as Jermaine and Xiaoyi wanted to watch new moon, dumb movie -.- . Went back to the Chalet, went inside and slack cause there ain't many people in there, Watch tv, blahblahblah, slack in there till midnight, heh, Kenneth called renee a beach, haha, i called her a bitch accidentally, HAHA. Soon, Yiling came, Talked around, heh, she know that renee dont really like her eh, not bad. Went to Pasir ris beach with Ben , Eddie, kenneth and yiling, felt nothing, went to red house, on the way there, heard something, thought was something else, so went on. Reached there around 15mins later, saw a car that looked like a police car, so we turn and walk back, On the way back, Heard the same thing again, Eddie heard it as well, Damn, My hair stand when I hear that(Hair stands might means there is something touching or around you), Went back to Pasir ris beach, Eddie said he felt energy drained, felt tired for no reason. A fruitless trip, so went back to the chalet, he was telling me bout this place, where the hall, located at the second floor, is dark and no one dares to go in, cause it was closing in the 2am, we didnt really wanna go. Went into the chalet, slack awhile, I fell asleep, when i woke up, they tell me that kenneth have went home without me cause i was too tired and i snored way too bloody loud, was still tired, so lied down. Fall asleep again, saw eddie sleeping when i wake up the second time, talked with some other people.

Followed Benedict to Mcd, he have breakfast, went back, Eddie was still sleeping, Soon, others are awake, Went back home early because Uncle was fetching me, I was too tired to take the bus alone. Reached home around 1pm, Fell asleep AGAIN, at 6.30, wake up, feeling terrible, so went to take a shower.

Nothing much happened

Sms-ing a fatty named MUI PENG the whole day , haha . Had a long conversation with her in msn, Now i'm blogging cause my sister have left the room. I hate it when she keep looking at what i blog. -.- . Now that the busy week is gone, i cant totally relaxed for the rest of the month, School is starting in 2 weeks' time, Everything is changing, the principal, the DM, Wonder who will be the new Dm, Words on the street said Daniel Wee, aston villa fan will be the new dm, others said mr hasreen will be back. Well, Shall find out when school reopen.

A long Long LONG post, Tired now, Shall chill in my room . Cya,
I'm out. Good day :)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

eh sup y'all ! :D , I'm back from Lucas' BBQ and internet connection malfunction, Have lots of things to blog now :D

Internet was like shit , keep getting disconnected repeatedly, fed up, and went to my room and sleep earlier because Lucas' BBQ is on the next day .
Wake up around 10++, cause of my shit internet connection, went to Lucas' house earlier than expected to use his computer for a little bit. Used his computer, blahblahblah, set out to Pasir Ris by his auntie's car, Damn, she's kinda fierce that day. Carried food and stuff to pit no.15, stupid beehoon, bloody heavy, now, I'm suffering from muscles ache and others . How am I going to make it for the next 2 days, how I wish I can just stay at home, kick back, and chill out. But I've promised my friends to go out . So, I've make my own Painbed and I'm gonna lay in it.
Nothing much to say until midnight, Slack and slack slack, Gwen wanted to go to Red house , its just because she never seen it before, But after 15-minutes walk, she saw all the trees covering , and cant see the house, she totally freaked out and wanted to go back, Darn, what a wasted trip -.- . Thanks so much.. Play a game called 1007 introduced by Lucas, Losers will have to drink , I just watch them play cause I'm not really interested, Played cards with Ben , Anthony, Ben keep winning, Followed by me and Anthony, If Ben was to give out the cards, I will have the 3 of diamonds, If i give out the cards, Anthony will win, If Anthony give out the cards, I will win, So, we didnt really play much,
Slack around with some other guys until Something unexpected came, Jiaxiang was like, refusing to move away from the beach, one of the girls tried to pull him up and back to the pit, he totally went shouting at her, and just laid down and look at the sky, gazing at the stars ,well. there aint many stars on that day. 3mao said something rather softly, but he can hear it, and say that no matter how soft he talk, he still can hear him . We all suggested that we leave him alone, Shall just keep an eye at him from the pit behind him, Eddie stayed back to keep an eye on him , suddenly, he just start to shiver pretty badly , all the guys there took off their clothes and cover him with it, Fandy just carried him over to the table at the pit, and another bunch of guys just came over and tried to help, They wanted to go to the same spot where those things occur, but 2 other girls was just shouting at them , telling them not to go. Jiaxiang slowly came to , He sat up and rest for a little , he wanted to wash his face so I accompany him to go to the toilet, On the way there, I asked him what happen, he told me that he just wants to sleep, and totally have no idea what just happen, from the moment he lay down, the next thing he remember is we all crowd around him, what he told 3mao, he is totally clueless. and said that he didnt say anything.
He took pictures when he was sitting there, and then, all the pictures are gone, including the old ones, and his ear piece, totally have no use , cant hear anything, tried using the radio, no reception.
Went to E-hub to slack at Mcd, Jiaxiang treat me to some hotcakes and after that, went back to the pit to wait for sunrise. At that time, Everybody is asking 3mao, Where is your brother? Mainly because he doesn't have a brother. Pretty hilarious . Went home around 8+ , 88 and cab to North 4. Walked home from there, dead beat and tired, Worse of all, I have a high tide at that time -.- . Oh yea, happy birthday to San Mao and Shayne anyway :D
Tried to stay awake as long as i can, chose to play psp when I reach home, Little did I expect, I was not playing at all, I fall asleep halfway through, and the score was 0-5 ... restarted the match and went back to sleep. Was a shit day because no internet connection, played psp throughout the day. Was bored, went to room early.
Shall blog what happen today when I'm back on 12/12/09,
I'm out , Good day :)

Friday, December 4, 2009

Hey all , Back again to post. Of course, they must be a few happenings in order for me to update.

Wake up at 10.34am , wash up , blahblahblah, watched some youtube videos as usual . Tried to download some new games for my psp , but it was fruitless, they ain't any good games nowadays eh ? still prefer my ps2 , but it has broke down -.- .

There is going to be a new Ghost Adventure episode tomorrow :D . Thank goodness, finally have some good video to watch . But have to go out with mum early in the morning -.- . Just to get my stuff. Maybe I'll meet Lucas in the afternoon to collect money for his BBQ next tuesday. Oh yeah not to forget something VERY VERY VERY VERY IMPORTANT. heh heh heh...

-is a piggy that sleep till afternoon time.
-is a piggy that say other people is a pig.
-must be very happy now because her name is here :D .

K I'm out, good day :D

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Its been a long time since I post, Now, i've come to revive this dead blog.

Nothing much to blog actually, Doing the same thing everyday, no more good shows to watch now that I've almost watch finished everything on Youtube. Thinking of some pranks to do on Ms Gom when school reopen, like treating her Liquid Novacaine, It will numb her entire mouth, make her talk like a idiot, problem is, I duno where to get it, and duno what is the bloody price-.-

This is gonna be a short post cause they ain't any special things happening in this 2month of boring holiday, Kenneth have moved to Sembawang, No one to slack with now , But will be sleepingover at his house next thursday with some girls . After that, will be going to a chalet , 1day only . But will be just in time for the new episode of Ghost Adventure . A new one will be uploaded this Saturday . It gonna be good . :D

And this paragraph is for my so-called good sister, I appreciate the effort you search high and low for my blog, This blog ain't any famous blog or something or nothing, Its just something I'm using to kill time and boredom, Besides, you have a blog as well, but you never see me reading what you post right ? How bout giving me some privacy and fuck off from here , just kidding . Just dont come and read what I post, I dont want to read your blog, and I dont wanna be at your blog. Seriously hope you will stop reading what I post, That will be very kind.

K I'm Out, Good day :)

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Hey all, Didnt get to post yesterday, cause they ain't any happenings .

Wake up at 10.23am, went tosleep again, wake up again at 12+, had chicken rice as lunch, used to the computer, blahblahblah, watch the Reruns at 4.30pm to 6.30pm, Kenneth called . asking me if I wanna watch soccer at blk 107, but all the matches are at 11pm, how can i go?
So, I stay at home, log on to, and wait for the results,

Anyway, there will be a series of events for me, December 8, Lucas's bbq, December 10, overnight at Kenneth's new house, December 11, Renee's chalet. So I'll be using the computer and update everything at December 12,

Ghost adventure , is getting better and better, More EVPs results, white mist. The next one should be better. Anyway, gonna continue watching Little Britain, cya all

I'm out,

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Finally able to post that all my family members have gone into their room and shut their doors.
Woke up at 5.42am, went to sleep again and woke up at 7.36am, was still daydreaming until my mother came in and spoil the fun. Wash up, Have breakfast, coffee and use the computer for a little bit. Wow , only jermaine chew was online. didnt really wanna talk to her so went on and do my stuff. Prepare to go out at 8.42am ,changed and do something bout my messy hair -.- .
Put on my ring and ready to go out :D

Reach Kenneth's house in no time as it was just a block away, Fyi, I'm talking bout his house in Serangoon. Saw him was still preparing when I reach . He sure know how to take his own sweet time. Took some stuff he wanna move over to his new home and meet Xiao yi, Jermaine and Anthony( I thought he wasn't coming..) . Hail a taxi and board it, was lucky this morning, but not the second time. Kenneth, Xiaoyi, Jermaine and me sit at the back , and was in that situation till we reach his home. To think that he doesn't know the way yet . Went up to the 11th floor, although there was only 1 room, but it looks perfectly fine for 3 person to live in. I forgot that he told me his toilet are actually connected with the room and the kitchen , I was shocked by Xiao Yi when she just dashed out. Its ok, Depression have got the better of her.

Watch a Vampire movie, Not bad, around 11am , Went to Sun Plaza, A place I used to roam when I was young, Went to KFC , they have their brunch and walk off to the CD store and look for Stephen Chow movie for Kenneth, Walk around Sun Plaza until Afternoon, Walk back home around 1.30pm, Watch some DVDs while I play Assassin Creed cause I've watch the movie before. Played FIFA10, but Kenneth's PSP abit Weird, So I went back to Assassin Creed.

Went back home at 3.30pm, tried to get a taxi but its kinda difficult cause there are 5 of us trying to get back home. The sun is just too sick, until I get a splitting headache when I reach home. Thanks Anthony for paying the cab fare. Went home straight after reaching Serangoon,
Used the com, blahblahblah, Finish Assassin Creed the game today, such a waste of time after playing it for few days -.- . Prefer Resistance Retribution . Anyway, Its already 12.14am , I'm going to go to my room now, cya all :D

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Back after another average boring day, Woke up at 8am , saw someone message, didnt bother to reply, so went back to sleep. Woke up again at 10+ , prepared a nice cup of coffee, prepared bread, chocolate and kaya on each side. Shall skipped this crap .

Watch stephen chow old movies while having lunch, talked to the depression girl , old small one (lau xiao yi), pity her , getting depression at such a tender age. Hope she take her medication daily and regularly , or else , her condition gotta be worse someday.

Went to Kenneth's house again, Saw BRYAN OEI comment on his ffs page, damn , that sick fuck is being too serious in a facebook game, why cant he grow up , Maybe I shall say something bout him when I walk pass him in school, Just a maybe, not a Confirm thing. FIFA10, won him twice , no big surprise. haha ,I also use my goalkeeper as a player, always coming out of goal, that is the only reason why he will score .
I was just so f close from creating history with Manuel Almunia today, the ball almost got in the net, wonder if they are getting old or they are only fit to be a goalkeeper.

Homed, Msn conversation with Eddie bout some stuff and some music thing, thanks for the guitar tips :D . There is also Lucas's bbq coming up at December, Will be seeing that frog -.- , hate the sight of him. There is also Renee's chalet, Tagging along with Kenneth, Xiao yi, Eddie, Jermaine. Tomorrow going to Kenneth's new house, have to wake up at 8am++, why so early ?
Will be playing FIFA10 with him AGAIN! He really like to feeling of losing to a pro eh ? haha. Just kidding.

Alright , I'm out.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Hey all, Back to crap again. Wake up at exactly 9.30am, thanks to my 4 alarms.. , But, went back to sleep again and wake up at 11.19am, Was thinking of using the computer early because I plan to go to kenneth's house at around 3pm. So, I went to look for some youtube video to watch 'cause there is no one to talk to, and nothing to do. Watch Liang PoPo, and some stupid video.
Chat with Xiaoyi on msn for awhile, changed my blog song several times because of her, heh , I'm kind right ?

Was doing some other stuff until Eddie introduced me 2 prank video from Japan, gonna watch that again soon and find more. He even want to create a ghost team when we are grown-ups, He must have watch too much Ghost Adventure, Thats why he will have this idea. But its fun stuff to do that, looking for ghosts in Singapore. But then again, They aren't many paranormal hot spots in Singapore, So we may as well, ditch this idea and move on.

Arrive at Kenneth's house, thank God that he have not moved house, or I have to go all the way to Sembawang. Played FIFA10, We won each other 1 game, he won me because of a stupid penalty shootout -.- . I wasn't concentrating at that time, can't blame on my skills you know.
Tried to create a miracle by having the goalkeeper to score, Almost did it with Edwin Van Der Sar, Aww, it was so close, inches wide of goal. Other than that, scored a nice , long shot with Sergio Ramos when playing international friendly. Final score was 5-4 , and of course, I was the one who scored 5 :D .

Reached home, Bath and do housework for Mother, played Assassin Creed Bloodline till now.
Alright, gonna continue the game now, Shall crap the next time I'm back .

I'm out..

Monday, November 23, 2009

Hey guys, I'm suppose to be in my room now, listening to the radio and maybe strumming my guitar. But the muttons, two funny guys from 987FM, have gone on a 2 weeks leave, will be back on December 7th. Damn, I was thinking of doing some written work while listening to them, Now that they are gone, I Shall postpone my written work then.

After the muttons come back, which means they will be 24 days left before school reopen, though I wanted to go for some lessons, but haven't buy the right err.. stuff for it. I'm sincere bout picking up this new skills, thanks to my good friend , Lazy, Persuading me to stay at home, I'm not buying that stuff and not going for my lessons. But rest assured, I'll go get it done someday.

Found two more good songs from my favourite band, Avenged Sevenfold, Dancing Dead and Girl I Know. I've changed my blog song to Dancing Dead instead of Scream, Because LAU XIAO YI, said it was scary. What rubbish.

Alright, I'm out. See you all. :D

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Posting at 11 plus now..
Cause have to wait till my sister go to her room, Dont really want her to know I've a blog,

Basically, Nothing happen to day, Sunday is a no life day for me. Watch ghost adventure.. again. (I know, I'm lame) Thinking of going out someday, but where to? with who? Bahh, Might as well spend the 2months at home, maybe I'll FINALLY listen to Ms Gom and study a little bit? Depends on my mood then. HAHA!

Ok, now, I'm the only one left outside the living room, Gonna go to my room soon, If only my psp could charge faster..

Lastly, Manchester United won Everton :D:D:D , 3-0, Fantastic shot from Darren Fletcher and Michael Carrick. Damn, They rule ! .

Apart from this good news , Chelsea won Wolves, no big surprise.. , Now, Chelsea is 5 points in front of Manchester United. GO GO GO UNITED [:

P.S: Excuse my Rantings, But I'm just too elated over this piece of news..

i'm out. bye

Friday, November 20, 2009

Back after room cleaning, taking a break now by watch Ghost Adventures Live.
Didnt know that, My Uncle, have actually bought a T-shirt for me.
I asked my mother, when did he bought this, Her response was ' A long time ago '
Great, to think that I duno what is in my room. (-.-)

When I woke up, I immediately went to , hoping for a new Ghost Adventure episode. Season 3 is good so far, with many EVPs results . This time, the Mansfield Ohio Reformatory Prison, Should be exciting as well, Heh, My expectation is getting bigger >:)

Too much have happen during the 2 months holiday. Troubles, Sadness , Happiness. All this, have taught me something in life, Do not fucking trust someone easily, they may look kind and friendly to you, but behind you, they maybe plotting or doing some fucking nuts stuff .
After all this, i'm clear now, who is my close friends, and who is not, who can I trust and who can I not trust.

Anyway, Saw what kenneth wrote on his blog, Basically, He is thanking every close friends for the help he was given when he need it. He is moving house the next day, Which is a total hassle , to get to school. Just wanna tell kenneth, if there is anything, just tell me. I'll be glad to lend you my ears and give some advice. Your secrets, is fucking unsafe with me. Dont worry . :D

OK, I'm out.

P.S: This must be the longest post i've posted so far..

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I'm back :D , for the third post .
Kenneth is gonna move house soon, on this sunday to be precise.
Wonder if he will remember all his friends in Serangoon after all of us graduate .

Look up to, tried to play the song at my blog,
But, everything was fine, until the solo part (-.-) IT IS WAY TOO DIFFICULT FOR ME.
I think I should just go back to that page after ten years from now.

Speaking about the future, Many people have been saying the world will come to an end at year 2012, 21/12/12 . Oh come on, For those people who said this, I wanna ask, does singapore have any natural disaster before ? Of course not. Even if there are natural disasater striking other country at that date, Singapore will not be affected. Because there are still other countries surroundind Singapore. Besides, If the Mayans really predicted that 2012 is the end of this world, why can't they predict Tsunamis or Earthquake that gonna hit countries ?

Well, This is just my point of view. Dont really have to follow it though . Just crapping to keep my blog alive.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Hi All, second post now .
My computer is finally fixed , after 2 weeks or so ?
Gotten a PC, but its smash by a trolley last night . A small crack at the bottom . Its not really obvious if you didnt pay attention to my pc .

The First icon i saw on my computer, is a recycle bin -.- just a recycle bin , thats it ,
but after using it for around 5 hours , there are icons and songs . At least better than just have a recycle bin right ?

Talked to a hybrid today, talking bout her snatching ricebowl from people. haha, too bad , she is going out today, or the conversation may continued until 6pm in the evening .

I think thats all for today, Shall continue the next time something really interesting happen in my life .

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Hello, First Post Ever created in my life -.-
thanks to kenneth wu, who have been telling me to create a blog and a plurk,
since i'm rotting at home during the 2 months holiday , may as well create one and waste some time. :D

Everyday seems to be the same,
wake up -> wash up -> breakfast -> computer -> psp -> tv -> dinner -> sleep .
then , continue the same thing again the next day.

So, if anybody have any job to intro, or going out ,
please tell me, i really dont wanna stay at home and rot for the whole of 2 months . thanks alot [:

P.S Was just crapping, dont know what to post .