Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Back after another average boring day, Woke up at 8am , saw someone message, didnt bother to reply, so went back to sleep. Woke up again at 10+ , prepared a nice cup of coffee, prepared bread, chocolate and kaya on each side. Shall skipped this crap .

Watch stephen chow old movies while having lunch, talked to the depression girl , old small one (lau xiao yi), pity her , getting depression at such a tender age. Hope she take her medication daily and regularly , or else , her condition gotta be worse someday.

Went to Kenneth's house again, Saw BRYAN OEI comment on his ffs page, damn , that sick fuck is being too serious in a facebook game, why cant he grow up , Maybe I shall say something bout him when I walk pass him in school, Just a maybe, not a Confirm thing. FIFA10, won him twice , no big surprise. haha ,I also use my goalkeeper as a player, always coming out of goal, that is the only reason why he will score .
I was just so f close from creating history with Manuel Almunia today, the ball almost got in the net, wonder if they are getting old or they are only fit to be a goalkeeper.

Homed, Msn conversation with Eddie bout some stuff and some music thing, thanks for the guitar tips :D . There is also Lucas's bbq coming up at December, Will be seeing that frog -.- , hate the sight of him. There is also Renee's chalet, Tagging along with Kenneth, Xiao yi, Eddie, Jermaine. Tomorrow going to Kenneth's new house, have to wake up at 8am++, why so early ?
Will be playing FIFA10 with him AGAIN! He really like to feeling of losing to a pro eh ? haha. Just kidding.

Alright , I'm out.

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