Thursday, December 31, 2009


Greetings Earthlings , Its Alex , Its a new year , 2010 , Today marks a new start, cause I'm gonna study study study , not gonna play so much from today onwards, But, after knowing some drastic changes that is gonna happen next monday, totally ruin my mood to study and concentrate, Its not what i expected, Gom told me that its Management who ruin my mood cause they put some teacher as my co-form teacher, Well, Fuck Management then. Alright, Shall stop rantings bout these unhappy things, Since its 01/01/10, Shall post by yesterday, Woke up, realising I've slept like a log, Mum tried to wake me up but in vain , Ha ! , was tired thats all . :) .
Used the computer, blahblahblah , went out to buy lunch , was just too tired yesterday . Didnt went to countdown with Kenneth or Lucas. PS ! Alright, thats basically bout yesterday . Shall post the next time when I feel like it .

Ok Everybody , I'm outta here , stay safe out there .

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