Friday, January 15, 2010

Past few days were retarded. School started late on wednesday now, prepare, play psp for awhile :P , went to school, At first ,I thought we have to assemble at the parade sq, ha , to my surprise, we assemble in class, thats good you know ? Lessons were bored, blahblahblah, Collect the good progess award shit from CHEE KHEONG ! :P , Lucas and co. was shouting away -.- , Slacking at library recently, played chinese chess with kenneth, Lost to him once, but it was different for him. I won him due to Luck :D . New timetable starts next week , and poa teacher suck , blahblahblah , oh yeah , she scream at the top of her voice on thursday , thats just hilarious ! :) Now that I am in sec 4 , gonna study really hard already, Well, I really really really really really really really really really really really really really, wanna wanna wanna wanna wanna wanna wanna wanna wanna wanna wanna wanna wanna , promote to sec 5 instead of going to a ite . Rumours is , name tags will be given out to make sure CHEE KHEONG, know all of us, now, only sec 1 to 3 need those name tags on . Haa, graduating classes dont need it :D
Basically about it ,Shall post next friday, cause friday seems like the only day where I'm free to do my stuff. :)

Be more mature le la, OLD le mah . Hahaha .

Enjoy your school life while you can , cretins, you will enjoy school life more than working life :D

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