Monday, December 13, 2010

Smart man + smart woman = Romance
Smart man + dumb woman = affair
Dumb man + smart woman = marriage
Dumb man + dumb woman = pregnancy. :)

Above quote was one of the best I've seen. Blogging since 15000 years. Updating now just for the sake of updating, haa. Well, who visits this blog anyway. I'm just typing out this out to relieve stress. Cool!

SO, life's been quite good to me so far, y'know, although life been handing me bitches to waste time with, I thank god and fate that I'm smarter now. I'm also girl-friend-less. No one to text basically. I'm once asked, which girl that left you, makes you sad or depressed for quite a while, I replied, Idk that myself, never really thought of it. But I know, its TYN. I'm really happy texting her, disturbing her, pranking her, making her worried about me during FEB 5 2010 - MAY ?? 2010. She change outta sudden when she is back from her trip to China. I was so depressed that she's leaving my life. Then, as it probably was my last year in SGS, I might as well know some juniors, y'know, get my popularity up. Been good until I met Joey. I'm happy with her too, but not that much blissful as I felt when I'm with TYN. I lost joey this friend because of that short guy. But, they ain't talking, that short guy ain't posting disgusting shit on her wall. Which I can conclude, its the end of the Joey-ShortGuy Saga. So is mine saga with her. Though I've met a friend of TYN, KYT, I find her real annoying. The question she asked, the replies she gave, they're not dao, but TOTALLY NONSENSICAL. I've confess to her too, she refuse to believe me time and time again. Totally f-up. I got wind from friends that she had started believing me alr, but its alr too late, girl. You blew your chance. Ain't no letting history repeat itself. Though there's a saying, men are like dogs, they keep coming back, but I'm not that dog, I'm special.

Rubbish, nonsense, crap, bullshit, rantings, whatever you call it. Blogger is a place for me know to talk my stories if I cant bring it up when meeting friends.

DREAMS. How wonderful they are, I wish to be living in my little dreamland, where only me and my dream girl, at random places. Yes, just me and her. Though Idk the name of this girl I met in my dream, she left a very deep memory of her, never will I forget her. She resemble the 'tour guide' when I'm at NYP. Small size, long hair, cute. I shoulda gotten her name, look her up on facebook, but no thanks to my shyness, I didnt do it. The dream, I was in a library, apparently, I'm working there, then my dream girl came, explaining how things work there, I was too mesmerized by her. (Shall leave out crap) I was walking around the library with her, then this guy, in his 20s, talked to my dream girl, I cant hear their conversation even though my dream girl is just next to me, and that guy is just 2 feet away from me. Then, we walked around even more, then I asked her, ' eh why your face so red sial! ' She ignored. Then I asked 'is because of tht guy right, OH! You got a date!' She went on without saying anything. Then, there was a rope, idk why a rope, infront of me, Then I push the rope up so I can cross without ducking over it, so I lifted the rope up, but I saw my dream girl, just walk across the rope without ducking over it. I began to laugh, she poke me where it tickles, I was happy at that time. So we went walking and walking, then I ask her, 'so is that guy your date?' She said 'yeah'. I said, well then, good luck'. And after that, before I can start a new sentence, she opened a door, then the guy in his 20s is waiting for her, and I just dash out of the door, ignoring the scene. But I remember, they were buying food and dream girl is looking for a seat, I pointed at her while walking away and say ' see you on friday '. Idk why I say that, but I hope, I'll dream of her on friday. OH PLEASE, MAKE HER COME INTO MY DREAM ON FRIDAY. PRETTY PLEASE? :(

Thats all. Surf safe people. haa

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